Air Leakage Chart
New Construction for sale

​​​​​Blower Door Test Services

​​​Measuring the air leakage of a building with a Blower Door Test.

Get your CO Today! Call 904-209-7201

The US Department of Energy shows how much air leakage 

occurs in various locations of an average American home.

  • Ceiling, Walls and Floors - 31%
  • Ducts - 15%
  • Fireplace - 14%
  • Plumbing and Penetrations - 13%
  • Doors - 11%
  • Windows - 10%
  • Fans and Vents - 4%
  • Electrical Outlets - 2%

You can save up to 30% of your energy costs by air sealing multiple points of your home where energy losses occur.

Additionally, air leaks are also a major cause of discomfort, moisture problems and even poor air quality.

  • Any gaps left between baseboards and hardwood floors can be filled with latex caulk.
  • Electrical Switches and outlets can be sealed with insulated gaskets or foam to prevent leakage.
  • Attics - Sealing and insulating your attic is one of the most critical steps to ensuring that your home is properly air sealed. Check for staining on the insulation which can indicate air leakage.
  • Recessed lighting - Exterior door weather stripping - Door frames - Windows - Fireplaces - Pull down attic door- Piping under kitchen and bathroom sinks - A/C air handler duct work and dryer venting to the outside are other places to check for air leakage.

​​​Blower Door - Air Leakage Testing

New homes are more energy efficient

Blower Door test, approved 3rd party vendor effective July 2017. Blower door testing in all the areas of St. Augustine, Jacksonville and Saint Johns. Preforming Air Leakage Testing in Homes, Townhomes, Condos and Apartment Bldgs.
